Remnant - Mountain
One of the favorite destinations of tourists Sakhalin Mountains - Vestochka, it is only about twenty kilometers from the city of Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk. According to legend, on the mountain, there is a stone slab, which has retained the imprint of the Ainu shaman who died fighting with evil spirits. Locals consider this mountain sacred to her, and now you can find the modern shaman, it is believed that on top of a mountain inhabited by the Ainu spirits and deities
Mountain Vestochka, there is a unique in its form outliers, the most famous remnant reaches a height of nine meters, he looks like a frog, which got ready to jump. Nearby are the smaller remnants, up to three meters in height. The road to the Frog from the village Vestochka and there are restrictions tightrope, there is a place to camp. This is one of the favorite places for tourists, with Frog, a beautiful view.